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I’m Sick Of Our Culture’s Bias Against Introverts — And I’m Ashamed To Admit I Share In It

It’s a shame that it usually takes being very close to someone who has different challenges in life than you do before you begin to even notice, care about and/or see what’s wrong with having those different challenges. But we’ll take progress however we can get it.

The gems:

…as she began researching introversion as a personality trait, she learned that what many people perceive as a weakness is in reality a strength — one that most Americans (including business managers, leaders, teachers, etc fail to appreciate.


I also began focusing more intently on my own biases against introversion, and saw that they were rampant. Where I used to see staff members or colleagues as “not able to think on their feet,” or “so quiet that it hurts them,” I now see the keen power of minds, their intense creativity and brilliant ideas, along with their ability to comfortably share power with others rather than needing to put their mark on other people’s ideas.


The introverted corporate professionals I’ve worked with have felt unappreciated, undervalued, and misunderstood. While I haven’t researched this fully yet, I believe it’s possible that their introversion (and the lack of acceptance of introverts in our country’s culture) plays an important part in their disengagement and dissatisfaction with their work and careers.


I’m Sick Of Our Culture’s Bias Against Introverts — And I’m Ashamed To Admit I Share In It

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Tips for creating an introvert-friendly workplace

Every employer should read this article and really think about its content.

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Some of the gems:

…the nature of the modern office — with open environments and cubicles instead of offices — can often work against an introvert’s nature, leaving them mentally and emotionally exhausted by the end of the work day. However, an extravert might thrive on this type of environment where they can get regular feedback from coworkers, all the while, unintentionally exhausting their introvert neighbors.


Whatever your company culture is, no one should feels as though they’re being judged for not participating in non-work related activities. Or even for performing their job in a way that suits them best, but isn’t how everyone else is getting work done.


“…The cornerstone of our philosophy is we can only have a truly creative work environment if we build appreciation for different approaches,” says Arvai.


Tips for creating an introvert-friendly workplace

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Offices Can Be Hell for People Whose Brains Work Differently

Excellent article about office work spaces, working remotely and “neurodivergent” people. A lot of this applies to introverts and highly sensitive people, such as myself. You don’t have to have a mental disorder to completely relate to this!

Gems from the article:

“A big ‘a ha!’ that’s come out of the research that we’re doing is that it’s quite common that when people make accommodations for people who are in neurodiversity employment programs, a good chunk of the accommodations they make are helpful to other employees as well,” [Ballard] said.


“…we want everybody to conform.”


…when it comes to thinking of new ideas, Austin said companies are realizing that it is those irregular parts that are the most likely to catalyze originality and innovation: “It leads to, in my mind, a more enlightened approach to management where we see accommodations not as a burden but as something we do to access sort of new opportunities to create new things.”


Offices Can Be Hell for People Whose Brains Work Differently