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Offices Can Be Hell for People Whose Brains Work Differently

Excellent article about office work spaces, working remotely and “neurodivergent” people. A lot of this applies to introverts and highly sensitive people, such as myself. You don’t have to have a mental disorder to completely relate to this!

Gems from the article:

“A big ‘a ha!’ that’s come out of the research that we’re doing is that it’s quite common that when people make accommodations for people who are in neurodiversity employment programs, a good chunk of the accommodations they make are helpful to other employees as well,” [Ballard] said.


“…we want everybody to conform.”


…when it comes to thinking of new ideas, Austin said companies are realizing that it is those irregular parts that are the most likely to catalyze originality and innovation: “It leads to, in my mind, a more enlightened approach to management where we see accommodations not as a burden but as something we do to access sort of new opportunities to create new things.”


Offices Can Be Hell for People Whose Brains Work Differently